Hunterdon County

Season’s Eating: Zucchini Basil Soup

We have strawberries and cherries and blueberries, and soon even tomatoes will be showing up at our...

Casa Maya, High Bridge

A few months ago, I caught an episode of Rick Bayless’ Mexico: One Plate at a Time....

Mother’s Day Strata

I’m sure you all have your Mother’s Day meal planned for the Mother in your life. Right? Well, if...

Bites from the Editor

Deborah Smith Welcome to "Bites from the Editor" the first of many new features you will be seeing on...

Lambertville’s Shadfest

Lambertville held its 29th annual Shad Festival this weekend, ostensibly to celebrate the start of local shad fishing...

Candied-Fennel-Topped Lemon Cake and Fun To Do’s

Spring has come around in New Jersey -- summer even, seems to be toying with us. All my conversations...

Lemon-Raspberry Cupcakes: A springtime treat with a sweet surprise inside!

If you’re looking for a last minute addition to your Easter Sunday menu, we have the perfect cupcakes...

The Fine Diner in Clinton

I grew up on the pork roll. Well, it was actually the “taylor ham and cheese” where I...

St. Patricks Day, in or out

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, guys, and sure, you may not be Irish (though, are...

The Rosemont Cafe

I am thrilled to introduce you to the newest addition of  the Jersey Bites family, Robin Damstra....

Latest Bites

A New Era for Rutherford’s Matisse 167

  Matisse 167, named one of the most romantic restaurants in the country by Food & Wine magazine, offers a personalized chef’s experience backed by...