For some, starting a new business during a worldwide pandemic may be the biggest challenge of their life, but not for Eric LeGrand. He has endured worse. In October 2010, the former Rutgers University football player fractured two of his vertebrae during an unassuming kickoff. The accident paralyzed him from the neck down and he required a ventilator to breathe, something that his doctors suggested he may need for the rest of his life.

Determination and Resolve

LeGrand was determined to prove them wrong. And that he did. Not only can he breathe on his own, but he has regained mobility in his shoulders and arms. And his progress did not stop there. LeGrand has since finished his degree, published a book (Believe the Victorious Story of Eric LeGrand), worked as a sports analyst and motivational speaker, and is now trying his hand as a coffee shop owner. So, while the global pandemic is daunting, to borrow from Training Day, “King Kong ain’t got sh** on Eric LeGrand.”  

LeGrand Coffee House

Coffee Shop Vibes

LeGrand admits that he was never a big coffee drinker. In fact, he joked in a recent interview with 247Sports that Greg Schiano (Rutgers’ football coach) never gave his players enough time to enjoy coffee. Still, he says he has always enjoyed the vibe of cafes and recognizes how many business deals and great ideas have been shared over a cup of coffee.

Being able to contribute to that culture is something that really appeals to him. After some meaningful conversations with his friends and colleagues during the quarantine lockdown, LeGrand made the decision to open LeGrand Coffee House in his hometown of Woodbridge, NJ. He connected with a local roaster and is in the process of securing a brick-and-mortar space with a Grand Opening projected for later this year.

LeGrand Coffee: Now Available

“Later this year” feels pretty far off, so we’re happy to report that LeGrand’s online shop has already launched, at According to the website, the coffees are derived of single origins: a single producer, crop, and region within one country. LeGrand currently offers 12 oz-bags of Costa Rican, Guatemalan and Sumatran coffees along with a LeGrand Coffee House mug. As it says on their site, Eric hopes to bring a daily dose of bELieve to people throughout the United States. “With each cup of our coffee, I am hoping everyone will enjoy it to the last drop and be inspired to go attack their goals.”

You can follow LeGrand Coffee House’s socials Facebook and Twitter for more information regarding their opening. Also, check out Team LegGrand at the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation’s website to read about how you can join his team as they continue to tackle the challenges of individuals living with spinal cord injuries.

—Adam Horvath of