Morristown Festival of Books Features Food and Wine Authors


The Morristown Festival of Books is ready to roll on October 2 and 3, and this year’s roster of authors includes some tantalizing selections for food and wine lovers:

Baking Bible Cover hi resLegendary baker Rose Levy Beranbaum, known affectionately as the “diva of desserts,” will share stories from her latest book, The Baking Bible. The most comprehensive book in her “bible” series (The Cake Bible, The Bread Bible), this delectable volume—winner of the 2015 IACP Cookbook Award for Baking—features all-new recipes for cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, candies, pastries, and bread along with meticulous instructions for outstanding results. Samples from one of Beranbaum’s recipes will be provided by Morristown’s The Artist Baker. (This appearance is to be followed by a book signing at the Book Tent on the Vail Mansion lawn.)

Rose Levy Beranbaum
Saturday, October 3
10 to 11 a.m.

Church of the Redeemer
36 South Street

HowToLoveWine_PBsnapshotWine lovers of every varietal (ha!) will enjoy this rare opportunity to sample wines under the direction of New York Times chief wine critic Eric Asimov. Along with discussing his book How to Love Wine: A Memoir and Manifesto, which celebrates the simple approach of drinking what you love and leaving anxiety out of the equation, Asimov will lead a hands-on wine tasting, during a session that promises to be one of the highlights of this year’s festival! Tickets are $20 and include the talk and wine tasting (book sold separately). To purchase tickets, visit the festival’s Wine Talk and Tasting event web page.

Wine Talk & Tasting with Eric Asimov
Saturday, October 3
5 to 6 p.m.

St. Peter’s Parish Hall
121 South Street

LostRavioliRecipesofHobokenJames Beard Award-winning author Laura Schenone carries readers along on the fascinating journey inspired by a love of food, a passion for writing, and a search for a long-lost family recipe. In the Montclair author’s The Lost Ravioli Recipes of Hoboken: A Search for Food and Family, storytelling and recipes combine deliciously in a narrative that reveals the heartbreaks of family life and the mysteries of ravioli—the food of celebration and happiness.

Laura Schenone
Saturday, October 3
3:45 to 4:45 p.m.

Starlight Room at Mayo Performing Arts Center
100 South Street


The two-day Morristown Festival of Books features visits by more than 25 award-winning and best-selling authors. It opens on Friday evening, October 2, with a Keynote Event at the Mayo Performing Arts Center. This year’s keynote speakers are Pulitzer Prize winners and human rights activists Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

A full schedule of events is planned for 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 3, in downtown Morristown. All of Saturday’s main festival events are free of charge: no tickets required. For more information and to see the full author roster, visit


Note: Deanna Quinones, who authored this article, is the co-chair of the marketing committee for the Morristown Festival of Books.