Club W Delivers Your Perfect Wine Match

Club W wine
On a recent visit to Crystal Springs Resort for a tour of their 135,000 bottle wine cellar, it occured to me, I know nothing about wine. I’m famous for saying “I know what I like.” Raise your hand if you use that lame cover.  Knowing one wine that you drink every time you drink wine, is not “knowing what you like.” It’s not knowing anything else.

So, when the folks from Club W reached out to me and told me about their “palate profile” I was very intrigued. It sounded like an E-Harmony for my perfect wine match and I was ready to commit.  Club W’s team of curators taste hundreds of boutique wines and choose a select group each month for their members. One of the cool features of the website is that every wine has an accompanying video to give a little back story on the wine. If you’re a wine lover, you could spend a lot of time on their website.

Before they get their first bottles, members fill out an online Palate Profile that helps hone in on wines that you will like. You’ll answer questions like “How do you like your coffee?” “How do you feel about salt?” “Do you like citrus?” and more.

Club W palate test

After you finish your profile quiz, the website offers its suggestions for the perfect match to your palate and then you are free to explore their suggestions and make your choices. Choose three bottles for $39 plus $6 flat shipping.  I chose two whites and a red.

the denThey came delivered in a carboard suitcase right to my door and I have to say after sampling them, Club W. did a very good job on my behalf. My favorite was one that I would never have selected on my own, a 2009, South African Chenin Blanc.

I was also introduced to an Argentinean Malbec and Big Vine Chardonnay from California. All three wines were enjoyable and came with the added excitement of having wines selected for me based on my personal profile. It’s just the first step in what I hope will be an ongoing education in the wine world.

JerseyBites readers can get one free bottle of wine with their first order by using Coupon Code: 411jersey

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary first shipment from ClubW. All opinions are my own.

Deborah Smith, Founder and Executive Editor of  Launched in 2007 as a home for her growing collection of recipes, Jersey Bites soon grew into a hub for all things edible in the Garden State. In her spare time, (Ha) she works as a Social Media consultant and speaker.  You can learn more about her services and marketing through social media on her blog