Some Treats for your Eyes and Appetite

Happy Halloween eyeball-halloween-foodEveryone.  In my little town here at the Jersey Shore, Halloween is a very big deal.  We’ve got one street in particular that becomes a mini-Mardi Gras every year on this day.  The folks who own homes on that street go through unbelievable amounts of candy and there is no need to ring doorbells since most adults are on their porches entertaining guests.

Since Halloween is on a Saturday this year, the parties will all be starting early.  I’ve got the pork in the Crockpot for pulled pork sandwiches already.  I know we’ll be having my friend Jenny’s delicious chili and Jill’s Orzo and Spinach soup.

If you are still looking for some simple and spooky recipes, I’ve found a few that are creative, some are actually good for you and some are down right disgusting.

Do you have a favorite dish you make for Halloween?  I’d love to hear about it.  Please leave a carrot pumpkincomment and share.

The Eyeball Caprese above comes from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. The ingredients are easy to find.  Just leave yourself enough time to make the eyeballs.  They look a little tedious.  Hop over to get the recipe, if you dare.

Now this is a cute idea from A Taste of Home.  This is the “last minute Lucy’s” ace in the hole if you ask me.  A couple of bags of carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, a few store bought dips and you’re good to go.

Another super easy appetizer idea are Hot Dog Mummies.  They’re just your basic mini hot dogs with a crescent roll wrapping, but with a twist.  You can find a good example on Diamonds For Dessert.

If you are looking for a main dish that will disgust your guests (at first) this is a fun and creative option from    It’s called “Awful Edible Roasted Fleshworms.”  All it is is pork loin wrapped in prosciutto.

Well, if you thought that was gross.  Here is the  Pièce de résistance: Kitty Litter Cake. I kid you not.  Is that the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen.  It comes from a website called Gross Halloween Recipes, and they aren’t kidding about that. The cat poop is melted Tootsie Rolls.   I might just h


ave to make this today.  Gotta get to the store.  Happy Halloween All.
