This week’s Winners of the Yoplait Yogurt Gift Bag

The Winners of the Yoplait Cooler Tote and all the goodies including a free Four Pack of Yo-Plus Blueberry Acaí yogurt are:

Blogger All Things Nanny said…
I started taking Acia tablets a couple months ago and they do work! Can’t wait to try the yogurt.
My tip … water, water everywhere! Drink lots of water. It curbs hunger and is great for your skin.

Mary said…

The yogurt sounds yummy, and the cooler/tote bag would be so handy! I have two great tips…I never go to the grocery store when hungry, (or I’d end up buying too much junk!) and before going to the store, make a list, and stick to it!
Simple yet very effective!

roxxymetal said…

I’ve been trying to drink more water and I’ve been checking food labels a lot more now so that I can pick healthier foods. I sent out a twitter about your giveaway.

Congratulations Ladies, I know you will enjoy your winnings. I’ve already been out to buy more yogurt. And remember, you can download a coupon worth a $1.50 off of the Yo-Plus Blueberry Acai here:

I’ll be back with our new Win It Wednesday in just a little while. Be sure to come back to enter to win a $25 Gift Card to OutBack Steakhouse.